Upload from Instagram to D.tube!

Did you know that you can upload a video from Instagram directly to D.tube? Its super simple, just go to a video you have posted to Insta, copy the URL of the site you are visiting with your browser amd copy it in to the upload field on D.tube. Set a tag and choose how many DTC coins you wamt to burn to promote it. Thats it. Your instagram video is now promoted and ready to be watched on the platform. Isnt it amazing? It blew my mind and made meeven more confident about the success of D.tube. it takes video discovery to a new level. Imagine to search and discover video content from several different platforms in just one place. Awesome!


D.tube us currently running on a test token (DTC) but as soon as it is running stable there will be a D.tube token launched and airdropped to active Dtubers. Ready to invest and build up a whole new video economy. Super exciting!


Ps. Im running a D.tube node and ranked as a leader, consider to vote for me if you think id be a reliable leader. Thank you.