Have you heard of Senggigi Beach?

Newest upload on the tube is our adventure day to the Beach of Senggigi. Besides two bigger resorts like the Sheraton hotel and the Kila resort, there are not that many hotels. That means the beach is not as crowded as you might experienced it in Bali in some spots. In the evening we ate dinner in the Puri Mas resort close to Senggigi and later in the evening we enjoyed a dance show of different artists and a traditional fight show. Enjoy!
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The Perfspots Liveticker
You might know livetickers from sport events, where websites update a webpage with everything that happens in a match. those livetickers are especially for people who want to know what is happening live and right now, in that match or event, but are not able to turn on a radio or a television, for example when theyre at work. Now the liveticker is a great tool to keep people up to date about events in form of mostly text but pictures, videos, audio and links to external sites as well.
Now the Perfspots liveticker will cover my daily activity of the project. When i am travelling or on an adventure i will post here where i am at the moment and a short term log of what happened, whats around me, or some thoughts i had in this moment. And when i am in the office working on content production i'll cover updates about Social Media channels and the project status in general
Just tune in every day on
or i will link some of my liveticker posts on social media as well. Read the introduction-post of this liveticker here.