Shell Beach in Australia

shell beach australia

Removed the electricity cable, the battery was full. Packed the camping chairs and left the caravan park in Geraldton. We were on the road for 3 hours and 45 minutes until we arrived Shell Beach Australia. On our way to the Shell Beach and the Shark bay area we drove a long time into the Outback. That means you better depart with a full gas tank. hours of driving without passing any town or roadhouse.

Shell Beach Australia and its beauty

If you expect to see a beach like the copacabana in Rio you’re wrong. The Shell Beach is a beach in the middle of nowhere. As we arrived there was just another couple with a campervan leaving the place. Then we had the whole beach for ourselves. There are no food stands or beach chair vendors. It’s a beach out of dead shells as far as the eye can see. Shining bright in its pure beauty.

Walk on water

It might depend on the tide but at the time we visited the Shell Beach Australia the water was just knee deep in the first hundred meters in to the sea. This made it possible to run in the water which felt like running on the water! a great experience trust me. Keep in mind the water is extremely salty because the Shark Bay keps most of the water in the bay and the sun dries it out, what stays is the salt.

Shell Beach Shark Bay

From Perth to Exmouth

We rent a campervan from Apollo in Perth and went on a Western Australia Road Trip. After a short instruction we dropped our luggage in the back of the campervan, the tank was filled and we were ready to go. I was used to drive on the right side of the road so i had to get used to the left side driving in Australia. First we bought provisions and then we started this epic Western Australia Road Trip!

The Video on Youtube. Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel

The Route


1. Pinnacles Desert - Video 

2. Shell Beach - Video 

3. Monkey Mia Paradise - Video

 4. Monkey Mia wild dolphin - Video

 5. Eagle Bluff scenic lookout - Video

 6. Coral Bay hidden Cliff - Video

 7. Exmouth and the Cape Range National Park - Video

 8. Quobba Blowhole - Video

9. Kalbarri Nationalpark - Video

10. Sandy Cape sand dunes  - Video

11. Jurien Bay - Video

12. Hillarys Boat Harbour - Video

The Pinnacles in Australia

After leaving Perth we were on the road for 2 hours and 40 minutes until we arrived in the Nambung-Nationalpark. This is the National Park where you will find the Pinnacles in Australia. You pay a small fee to park right in front of the area where the pinnacles reach out of the ground. before leaving the van i checked if the batteries of my camera are still loaded, took a water out of the fridge and left to see this spectacle.

Kangaroos and Flies

We just walked a few steps and already been attacked by hundreds of flies. They do no harm but can be pretty annoying. A huge surprise was, before we could leave the parking there were already two Kangaroos hopping around. For Australians this might not be a big deal but for me it was the first time i saw those animals in real life. that was a magical moment.

The Pinnacles in Australia

There are different theories how the Pinnacles in Australia arised. The most plausible theorie for me was that burned trees were covered in sand and turned into stone after hundreds of years.

It was a great experience to walk through this desert with its Pinnacles, all in different shape and size.

Pinnacles in Australia visitor center

Pinnacles in Australia Nambung Nationalpark

From Perth to Exmouth

We rent a campervan from Apollo in Perth and went on a Western Australia Road Trip. After a short instruction we dropped our luggage in the back of the campervan, the tank was filled and we were ready to go. I was used to drive on the right side of the road so i had to get used to the left side driving in Australia. First we bought provisions and then we started this epic Western Australia Road Trip!

The Video on Youtube. Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel

The Route


1. Pinnacles Desert - Video 

2. Shell Beach - Video 

3. Monkey Mia Paradise - Video

 4. Monkey Mia wild dolphin - Video

 5. Eagle Bluff scenic lookout - Video

 6. Coral Bay hidden Cliff - Video

 7. Exmouth and the Cape Range National Park - Video

 8. Quobba Blowhole - Video

9. Kalbarri Nationalpark - Video

10. Sandy Cape sand dunes  - Video

11. Jurien Bay - Video

12. Hillarys Boat Harbour - Video

Western Australia Road Trip

From Perth to Exmouth

We rent a campervan from Apollo in Perth and went on a Western Australia Road Trip. After a short instruction we dropped our luggage in the back of the campervan, the tank was filled and we were ready to go. I was used to drive on the right side of the road so i had to get used to the left side driving in Australia. First we bought provisions and then we started this epic Western Australia Road Trip!

Western Australia Road Trip campervan

wa roadtrip apollo campervan

Three things you need to know before starting a Western Australia Road Trip


You won’t need a GPS. The most difficult part is to get out of Perth or when you get back to Perth to return the campervan. The rentals are mostly not in the city center so it is also achievable to find your way in bigger cities without getting lost. As soon as you’re out of town there is mostly just one road which leads north or west in the outback. The only job will be to not miss the street signs for the gateway. You will find free roadmaps in the tourist information of perth and if not, buy one in a gas station.


Fill up your fuel tank. And never ride on the limit! Australia is not Europe. You will drive for hours without seeing any gas station or even a human being. So check on the map when you’ll leave to the outback and then fill up your fuel tank before you leave the last town. Trust me running out of fuel in the middle of nowhere can ruin your trip.


Buy the provisions in bigger towns or cities. The prices for groceries are a bit higher when your shop in smaller towns. Feel free to fill your fridge with raw food. In most of the caravan parks they provide gas bbq stations where you can cook like jamie does it. Make sure you hit the road with a full fresh water tank and one or two bottles of water cooled in the fridge.

The Video on Youtube about the Western Australia Road Trip. Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel

The Route


1. Pinnacles Desert - Video 

2. Shell Beach - Video 

3. Monkey Mia Paradise - Video

 4. Monkey Mia wild dolphin - Video

 5. Eagle Bluff scenic lookout - Video

 6. Coral Bay hidden Cliff - Video

 7. Exmouth and the Cape Range National Park - Video

 8. Quobba Blowhole - Video

9. Kalbarri Nationalpark - Video

10. Sandy Cape sand dunes  - Video

11. Jurien Bay - Video

12. Hillarys Boat Harbour - Video

sandy cape sand dunes

Kings Park in Perth

Kings Park in Perth, Australia

Kings Park is situated on a hill. you get there with the free Catbus (take the green line from Elizabeth quay). Nature, the Botanic Garden and a beautiful view over the whole city. Perth was the first city we've visited in Australia! We take you around, show you the perfect spots and of course where you have the best view on this beautiful city!

More about Kings Park

What is Perfspots?
Perfspots stands for Perfect Spots. My passion is to explore places I've never been before. While running a startup, i travel as much as possible. Here i share the Perfect Spots i enjoyed the most. Spots you can get a great meal, sip a coffee with a breathtaking view or experience an exciting adventure.

Follow this adventure!


Sand dunes in Sandy Cape

Sand dunes in Sandy Cape near Jurien Bay, Australia

The wind blowes the Sand and stack it to those aestethically formed mountains. It's a special experience climbing those mountains. A soft step in the warm sand. Get yourself a sandboard and slide em down, thats fun.