Why I loved Quito Ecuador so much!

Why I loved Quito so much!
So, at almost the beginning of my trip I lived for two month in a guest family in Buenos Aires for two month. We were 4 people, my hostparents and one other student from Quito Ecuador, that was studying at a university at that time. So we exchanged numbers and one week later he had to go back to Ecuador over Christmas for 3 month.
Since I travelled through Ecuador I decided to text him. He was amazing. He invited me to live for free in his family’s home for 3 days. The house was huge with 5 dogs, I felt really welcomed.
That they we woke up really early, I had to search my jacket since I normally didn’t need one. Woth all my stuff packed like sun cream, jacket, backpack, sunglasses and water we left with the car for a hike!
Hiking up the hill? No, we took tha cable car!
A good thing to know is that the city Quito is 2850 meters over sea level.
We took a cable car up a mountain and ended up 4050 meters over sea level. NEVER in my life was I that much over sea level. The breathing was kind of hard and the 25 degrees were gone. It was really windy and around 6 degrees Celsius. Luckily I brought my jacket and a pullover with me. We walked around and I took some impressive shots from up there.
You can see over whole Quito witch is the capital of Ecuador.
This is a picture of an active Vulcano!
At night, without a lot of energy left, we went out for dinner and I ordered this huge Empanada von Viento witch means Empanada with Air. Just a small part of it was filled with cheese the rest was empty and covered in sugar, but I actually liked it!
Empanada con Viento, it was delicious!
Thanks for reading my post about Quito, there will more!
Happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life! Travel the World!
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